Oregon Home Education Network (OHEN) is a statewide, all-inclusive, volunteer run nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information about homeschooling and promoting connection among homeschoolers. OHEN honors the rights of families to facilitate their children’s educational path and to make choices that respect the rights, needs, and aspirations of their children.
What We Do
OHEN encourages networking and communication among homeschooling families. OHEN works with various homeschooling support groups and libraries around the state to help prospective and current homeschoolers find the support, resources, and information that are so vital to their success as their children’s primary educators.
- OHEN provides homeschooling information
- OHEN monitors and influences homeschool related legislation
- OHEN offers activities including networking opportunities for homeschoolers
Board of Directors
The OHEN Board meets quarterly and is comprised entirely of volunteer homeschooling parents. Our meetings are always open to OHEN members.
Serving on the Board is a great way to support our homeschooling community. Board members are asked to serve a two-year term and attend at least three meetings each year.
- President: Rosalyn Newhouse
- Vice President: Mai Lon Brosseau
- Secretary: Carolyn Groves
- Treasurer: Caren de la Cruz
- Events: Caren de la Cruz
Not Board Members but serving a vital role for OHEN:
- President Emeritus: Phyllis Nakayama
- Legislative Liaison: Barbara Smythe
- Legislative Consultant: Amy Grant
If you would like to serve on the Board, please send a letter of interest to OHEN at PO Box 80155, Portland OR 97219. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Form. If you have any questions or would like more information, leave a message on the OHEN voicemail line 503-893-2744 or email us at info@www.ohen.org.