If you wonder whether homeschooling is a workable option for you and your child with special needs, it can be a very positive choice.  Many families in Oregon are teaching their children at home.  Some things to consider:

Family situation and finances

It’s great if one parent can be home all the time, but families can be creative with schedules.  Homeschooling is so much more efficient than group school that the same amount of learning can be done in less hours per day.  The cost can be minimal if you use online resources and the library.

Ability to teach

With special needs kids, some parents feel worried that they won’t be able to provide everything their child needs to thrive.  School teachers certainly have good general training, but you are the expert on your child. Many great learning ideas come just from interacting closely with a child and being creative.

Another common fear is, “my kid won’t learn from me, only from his teachers.”  This is just a habit that will fade as you start down the path of learning together. Your new roles will emerge and be comfortable.

If you have had homework battles in the past and cringe at the thought of doing that all day, remember that learning in the morning when a child is rested is so much easier than at the end of a long school day.  There are also no worries about what the assignment instructions are or when it’s due.  Evenings can be free of homework entirely.

More information about homeschooling your child on the Autism Spectrum and other special needs can be found in this thoughtful essay by Christine Engelke.

More information of particular interest:

Testing Alternative for Children with Disabilities and PDPs (Privately Developed Plans)

Special Needs Email Groups and Websites

Identifying and Addressing Learning Disorders

Can I homeschool my challenged or learning-disabled child?